The Importance of Early Orthodontic Treatment in Bournemouth
Orthodontic treatment has come a long way in the past few decades. The earlier we begin orthodontic care, the easier it will be to treat. Early orthodontic treatment has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in Bournemouth. In this article, we will discuss the importance of early orthodontic treatment and why it should be considered.

Early Orthodontic Treatment: What Is It?

Early orthodontic treatment, also known as interceptive orthodontics, is a form of orthodontic care that begins when a child is 7-11 years old. This approach aims to identify and treat orthodontic problems while the child's jaw is still developing. Early orthodontic treatment usually takes place before the child has all their adult teeth. It is an effective way to address problems with tooth alignment, bite, and facial development.

Why Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Important?

There are many benefits to early orthodontic treatment. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Correcting Problems Early

Early orthodontic treatment can identify and correct problems before they become more complicated or severe. By correcting issues early, we can reduce the likelihood of needing more extensive or invasive treatment in the future.

2. Improving Oral Health

Early orthodontic treatment can improve a child's oral health by fixing misaligned teeth and gums. Proper alignment of teeth can improve oral hygiene and reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health problems.

3. Boosting Self-Esteem

Having well-aligned teeth can boost a child's self-esteem and confidence. A straighter smile can make a child feel more comfortable in social situations and more confident about their appearance.

4. Reducing the Length of Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment can reduce the duration of orthodontic treatment later on in life. Starting treatment early can make the process shorter and less complicated, which can save time and money in the long run.

5. Lowering the Risk of Trauma

Misaligned teeth can be more vulnerable to trauma. For example, protruding front teeth can increase the risk of injury during sports or play. Early orthodontic treatment can address these issues before they lead to injury.

What Are the Common Problems Addressed by Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Here are some of the most common problems addressed by early orthodontic treatment:

1. Spacing Problems

Spacing problems occur when there are gaps between teeth. It can cause food to get trapped, which can lead to gum disease. Spacing problems can also cause teeth to shift and become crooked over time.

2. Overjet

Overjet occurs when the upper teeth protrude too far forward over the lower teeth. Overjet can lead to an increased risk of injury to the upper front teeth.

3. Crossbite

Crossbite occurs when the teeth mesh together in an abnormal way. Crossbite orthodontist bournemouth can cause jaw pain, uneven wear on teeth, and other dental problems.

4. Crowding

Crowding occurs when there is not enough space for all of the teeth. It can cause teeth to become crooked, and it can make good oral hygiene challenging.

5. Underbite

Underbite is a condition where the lower teeth protrude too far forward beyond the upper teeth. It can cause jaw pain and make it difficult to eat or speak.


Early orthodontic treatment is a critical aspect of maintaining good oral health. It can prevent complicated dental problems from developing and resulting in extensive treatment later on in life. Additionally, it can reduce the duration, complexity, and cost of future orthodontic treatment. If you are considering early orthodontic treatment for your child in Bournemouth, be sure to consult with an experienced orthodontist to determine the best course of action.